Pen Shows/Courage/Gifts for Grads/Dads! (Fed Pens Papers#29)

Posted by Frank Limper on

Pen Shows?

We have now seen the sixth pen show affected by the Covid19 crisis- four have been cancelled altogether (Atlanta, St Louis, Miami, DC), and two rescheduled (Raleigh-AUG, Chicago-SEPT).

It is not by accident that the DC show is called "The Supershow". It is the most important show of the year. Many dealers and vendors from around the world come to this event (some their only US show). The fact that is has been cancelled (without a reschedule date) speaks volumes. This show can literally "Make or Break" someone's year as far as profit/loss goes!

I am not being selfish. I agree running the show unsure about the conditions in the region, at this time, is probably the best move. It would have been great to see that particular show rescheduled later in the year though!

I am encouraging you as a collector, Pen Pal, and yes- even a retailer to support your favorite Pen Maker, Pen Brand, Pen Distributor, and Dealer at this time. Many small, independent Makers, Dealers, and vendors count on pen shows. Things are going to be very tough in the weeks, and months, ahead for many of them! It is not easy being a retailer in these tough times- It is especially tough for small, new retailers. Many are finding new, creative ways to adapt- some B&M Stores offer "Curbside Pickup", while other dealers have looked to "Virtual Pen Shows" to market themselves in these unprecedented times.

I am not panning for business. I am in a good position, a lot of inventory, and celebrating my Fifth Anniversary this Summer! I am worried about many small dealers and vendors who have been in business only a couple of years or so, who need pen shows to continue their venture. We also look to these "Favorite Dealers" to bring people to pen shows and events! 

If you are lucky enough to continue investing in your hobby- I encourage you to keep this in mind as we move thru the remainder of the year. Be Safe, Be Well, and see you at a Pen Show in 2021 (If I do not see you sooner!)! Regards- Frank Xavier

"Pens In The Pipeline"

A new term I will be using (Hash-tagging) to discuss upcoming products! Conklin Pen pays tribute to First Responders, Medical, and Emergency People with the "Courage" FP/BP Pen Collection!

Details Here:


Gifts For Grads/Dads!

It's June already! Time to plan for Graduation Gifts (Even with "Virtual" Graduations!), and Father's Day- June 21st! Two particular pages at Federalist Pens can make decisions a lot easier!

This is the page to find most items for that special someone who is looking for their first "Good Pen", or someone looking for the latest EDC Pen! Something for everyone in the $25, and under Page!

For the more discerning collector, who likes to save BIG! Shop the "Back Shelf" for savings as much as 50% off list price! These items are new, and come with our 30-day "No Haggle" return- as well as the warranty from the distributor/manufacturer. These are discontinued, low-stock, items that will not be replaced once sold. Grab your "Sumgai" deal here at the "Back Shelf"!


All for now- Pen Pals! Join me next month- for the Fifth Anniversary of Federalist Pens!              (5th Anniversary Newsletter/Blog)

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