Federalist Pens Papers #25 (Pop-Up, Pens Shows, BENU Pens)
Posted by Frank Limper Jr on
Pens at the Library! 30 Days later!
Hello Pen Pals! For the past month, I have rented the retail space available at my local library! The space was originally used by the library to help raise money. They decided to rent the space to retailers interested in running a Pop-Up on Saturdays! I saw the place available in December, and made arrangements to rent it every Saturday in February. I'm happy to say that with the help of Pen Pals, and some new pals, I have managed to make the Pop-Up a success!
I will be attending both the Baltimore and Long Island Pens Shows starting next week, so I will not be at the shop until Saturday, March 23rd (Taking a break in between the two shows). Plan on visiting the shop at that time! I would love to rent the space more frequently, but it is the policy of the Library to only rent it on Saturdays! I plan to be there most of the year- save any Pen Show weekends!
For more information: www.federalistpens.com www.chplnj.orgSocial Media: #pensatthelibrary #federalistpens
March Madness (Of Pens!)
It is March Madness (Of Pens)! Two very popular pen shows in the same month! (Yes- I have started a(nother) Hash Tag! #marchmadnessofpens can be used to tag both the Baltimore Pen Show, and The Long Island Pen Show! The BWI Show starts this Friday! It is back at the BWI Marriott in Lithicum, MD! This is a great show, run by a great show host- Bert Oser, of Bertram's Inkwell! More information here: www.baltimorepenshow.com
The Long Island Pen Show is two-weeks later, on March 16&17. This is the NY Pen Event, and is located right at Hofstra University! The event is run by Pen Pals who happen to teach at the college! More information here: www.lipenshow.com
Both of these shows are well attended, and local to anyone in the Tri-State/Mid-Atlantic Region! I attended both of these shows back in my hobby days, and knew they were a MUST in my yearly show schedule!
See You at Both!
Don't forget that #pensatthelibrary will return on March 23rd!
(The Madness Continues!)
New Products!
Constellations88 Pens in Stock!
Magna Carta Pens in Stock!
BENU Pens Coming Soon!
It's only Mid-February, and I have already added 3 new brands to the store! We were the first US Dealer for Magna Carta, and only the second to represent Constellations88 Pens. These beautiful pens from India feature Italian resins and Celluloid. Magna Carta Pens also feature metal materials (Caps, barrels and/or both). Both models feature Bock Medium Stainless Nibs- available plated if matching pen trim. Magna Carta goes further by offering an Italic Stub Nib custom ground by The Nib Studio ($40 upgrade).
Visit the Following Pages to view/purchase products:

BENU Pens are coming! Luxury Brands (LBA) have become the US Distributor for these great looking pens from Russia! We will carry The Briolette, Hexagon, and Chameleon products at our store! Update and pens coming soon!

All for now Pen Pals! See you at a Pen Show (or #pensatthelibrary!) Soon!
#marchmadnessofpens #federalistfrank #federalistpens